athletes deserve mental health resources.

Athlete Mental Health is a Systems Level Issue.

The Athletes Mental Health Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to changing athletic systems to better support athlete mental health. While we work to change the systems, we want to ensure that athletes are equipped with mental health resources.

athletes need systems that use mental health resources.

Competitive athletics demand a mentality that can be unsustainable for daily living. We all need support. And for athletes, attending to mental health means reaching peak performance. Athletic programs must be set up in a way that support athlete mental health.

Mental health is as important as physical health.

Athletes do not need to leave sport traumatized by coaches, administration, spectators, etc. Coaches are often ill equipped to respond to mental health needs, or they may be the ones inducing harm. We believe in the power of sport - so much - that we believe sport can evolve. We believe systems can make the change.

It costs $0 to not cause harm to athletes.

This is not a budget issue. It’s a regard for athletes issue.

speak to a therapist

Interact with licensed mental health experts.

Sports Shrinks

Listen to our podcast breaking down the issues of mental health and athletics.

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